What You Need to Know About Spiritual Illness and Disease

spiritual malady

https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/the-causes-of-sneezing-when-drinking-alcohol/ can trigger feelings of irritability, restlessness, and discontentedness. The overall sensation can feel like crawling out of your own skin. These feelings can become unmanageable – more on the unmanageability of life for alcoholics below. However, that does not mean addicts are confronting this spiritual ailment by themselves.

Complicated Grief, Soul Loss, and the Dark Night of the Soul

It’s important to be educated and use spiritual discernment here. Not all healers or teachers are in it for your best interest. And sometimes, our motivations for spiritual healing are wrong. Yes, something is certainly wrong, but it’s not that the soul is broken (which is impossible from an objective standpoint), it’s that they’ve lost touch with their soul.

Signs You Might Be Experiencing Complicated Grief

  • Old timers and recovering people with more experience can explain in layman’s terms just what the author Bill W.
  • Until trauma-related information is reconciled with prior beliefs, symptoms of PTSD persist while the trauma remains in active memory (Horowitz, Wilner, & Alvarez, 1979).
  • Many people are initially turned off to the idea of the program because they believe it preaches religion and God, and many addicts and alcoholics have no desire to pursue a religious answer.
  • I fully sense that there is something ahead for me thats very important but now realize I need to breathe and stabilize before this can happen.
  • That is why they say “Higher Power of your understanding” rather than God.
  • This is how a mental health disorder manifests itself as distorted fear based thinking which appear, if acted upon, to make one’s situation a whole lot worse.

Critical thinking skills and radical self-honesty are so vital in this day and age. In fact, it’s wise that we practice discernment and caution. We need to look out for ourselves because there is the possibility of being used by so-called spiritual healers and preyed upon by false ideas. The great psychiatrist Carl Jung called this a ‘low level thirst for wholeness – for union with God’. In our addictions, we tried to quench our soul-thirst with fleeting pleasures.

Understanding the ‘Three-Fold Illness’

spiritual malady

Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. It’s a path of healing; of reuniting us with our true Spiritual Nature. spiritual malady Receive weekly mailings to support your meditation journey and your daily practice. We are inherently a spiritual species, and yet, we fill the world with so many aspiritual and anti-spiritual constructs and behaviors.

What is Authentic Spiritual Healing?

Our spiritual malady never just goes away and stays away on its own, it requires a constant spiritual connectivity and effort on our parts in our programs to keep it and the subsequent alcohol and drug abuse at bay. So long as we make an active effort to address our spiritual malady every day, we will find relief from it, one day at a time. You are merely instructed to be open to the idea that you are not the end all be all, that there exists out in the universe something that is greater or more powerful than yourself. However, you choose to interact with that higher power is also up to you. Whether you seek to engage in formal prayer, informal mental conversations, or merely by doing good and putting positive energy into the universe, there is no right or wrong way to pray to your higher power. Once you open up to this idea and implement that spiritual connection, you will experience your long-awaited spiritual awakening, the answer to that pesky spiritual malady we suffer from as alcoholics.

  • For example, some new-age healing practitioners focus only on bringing balance to the etheric or non-physical energy field of the human body.
  • But I’m a fighter, did a lot of soul work, survived and eventually thrived.
  • For instance, if you suffer from chronic pain (for which no other methods work) and also depression, you would need physical and mental healing – ideally some kind of holistic healer would benefit you the most.
  • It’s important to be educated and use spiritual discernment here.
  • Threat brings about adaptive physiology and behaviors that prevent sociality and spirituality, but serve us well in a defense.
  • As addicts we can become so focused on the outward form our addiction takes – whether that booze, drugs, sex, overeating, etc. – that we overlook its deep roots at the core of our being.
  • Consequently, you feel pain (and joy) to a greater degree than others.

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In fact, often, healing is used as an excuse to deny, suppress, disown, or reject what we’re going through. Spiritual healing is the practice (and experience) of restoring, harmonizing and balancing our Spirit or Soul. For instance, when breaking free of their negative thoughts, they may come to realize a newfound appreciation of things before unseen – such as the beauty of a sunset or the feeling of freshness of a morning spring rain.

spiritual malady

Again, please use this advice as a supplement to seeking professional psychological help. Sometimes the nervous system is so inundated that it needs intervention by a trained therapist or psychiatrist. Complicated grief can serve as an initiation onto your spiritual path through the Dark Night of the Soul. Complicated grief can also occur to those who have lost a partner (through a divorce), a house, a job, a friend, and so on. 1It is important to note that some negative cognitions may reflect objective appraisals of a negative situation, such as likelihood of recurrent exposure.

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The other safety phenotype is one of relative immobilization where we relax, repair, recovery, digest, defecate, contemplate, daydream, sleep, dream, and experience spiritual connections. This is frequently referred to as “digest and rest” physiology although it too is much more than that. On page 62 the text explains that “Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.” This “SELFISHNESS-self-centeredness” (or the “ego”, as some people refer to it) drives us to respond to life situations with the above “symptoms” as well as disorders and addictions other than alcoholism. On page 62 the text explains that “Selfishness-self-centeredness!

spiritual malady

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